Generators - Why You Should Think About Installing Backup Power for Your Home

Last Updated 12/16/2021

When you think of generators, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

For most, they think of still being able to operate their household appliances during a power outage. This is true, and it's the biggest reason we love them, but generators can also be a secondary source of power to entire homes, businesses, hospitals, restaurants, and so on.

A backup generator can last anywhere from two hours to a few weeks (depending on the size and type of the generator) and most units run on dieselnatural gas, or liquid propane gas.

Power Outages

If you live up in the hills (El Dorado Hills, Placerville, Camino, Shingle Springs...), you know that your power can be turned off due to incremental weather.

PG&E has precautionary measures in place to help reduce the risk of wildfires. Their goal is to help customers prepare for and stay safe during extreme weather events, including sending notifications when and where possible when power may be turned off for safety.

This is great and we understand the emphasis on safety, but it can be incredibly inconvenient - and possibly dangerous - to go without power for hours at a time.

If you live in an area where your power could be turned off at a moments notice, it may be time to look into getting a generator installed.

Honeywell Generators

If you haven't heard, we are now offering Honeywell's 9KW Automatic Switchover Backup Generator.

"We had a propane back-up generator installed by Smits. The service was prompt and professional. All the people working at Smits are polite and friendly and get the work done. We were very pleased dealing with them." -Ron & Aldrene Lamb

According to Honeywell, the generator automatically detects a power outage and delivers backup power to your home within seconds, giving you peace of mind.

Looking Into Getting A Backup Generator For Your Home?

Learn More Here

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