Increasing utility bill? Faulty inverters / solar equipment may be the cause for low solar production.
Existing system failed. Finished product of an upgraded Enphase system
New Enphase system with battery/Generator automatic transfer switch
We use Enphase products for their quality and ease of monitoring the solar systems. In this case, had the customer been able to monitor their production, they would have known there was a problem much sooner.
Finding the issue
The customer noticed their bill increase significantly so they called us out to trouble shoot. Upon inspection, we found that the stucco company buried the inverter in the wall which caused it to overheat and in return voided the warranty. After discussing different options, together with the customer, we deigned a new Enphase system and converted the string system to a microinverter system. We further offset their bill by adding a battery, and an automatic smart transfer switch.
Electrical expert
Our senior Electrician, with 23 years of experience, quickly found the issue and remedied the problem. His knowledge, experience, and awesome working relationship with the Enphase company, allowed for a smart solution to a common problem.
Our customer, located in El Dorado ,CA said she "loved that her bill was zeroed out and she loves how easy she can now monitor her new system."
Schedule an appointment today if you have concerns about your current system's productivity or are looking to install a new system with monitoring capability.
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